Attempted Suicide yesterday....
went for
Good Boy Bad Boy
The movie gives an impression that it has been conceived/directed by an 8 year old kid...

The story goes like this...
it's about a college,in which there are some good boys and some bad boys!
They never cross paths,until the college passes a mandate against short skirts and stuff...
after a brief period of unrest and
ladaayi jhagadaa...
enters our new Principal(:Paresh Raawal)...
He imposes some new rules...divides the sections according to merit
Now, Good Boy(:Tushaar Kapoor) and Bad Boy(:Emraan Hashmi) both have the same names...err..similar names R.Malhotra
and their identity cards get swapped by mistake...
so the Good Boy is in the Sec-C and the Bad Boy is in Sec-A...
the bad boy threatens the good boy with dire consequences,if he complains or tells anybody...
so they continue in their respective sections and find their love interests in Isha Sherwani( for Emraan) n Tanushree Datta (for Tusshaar)
Principal gets to know this and nominates them as representatives of the college in a youth festival,where Tushaar is for Dance and Emraan is for Quiz
They take it up as a challenge and guess what...come out with flying colours ...they win trophies for the college!
DeFiNiNiNg MoMeNtS & PoiNts WoRtH mEnTioN:
1)Paresh Raawal's scenes before the mirror,where he recapitulates whatever he did at college,that includes how he based the students,how he 'acted' strict(...I didn't get that either!)
2)Tanushree Datta's outfits,they start with pathetic,then gradually shift towards being awkward and slowly move towards lookin shitlike!
with all the dirty yellows,gaudy pinks she was at her aweful best...
3)The constantly repeating costumes of the actors...their costumes repeated after every 2 scenes...
The Costume Designer of the movies gotta get an award this year for the above two points..
4)Isha Sherwaani's love for a 92 percentiler...doesn't sound like a point though...but here in this movies she chooses her Boyfriend based on his weird is that?
esp.the quiz...
The Quiz Questions for this 'College Level Quiz Contest' Exclusively for readers.
a)What is our national Song?
b)What's the name of our President?
c)Who wrote our national song?
and the U can't answer this
What is Einstein's third law of motion?
I can't just go on....
Space constraints...
other highlights are Tushaar's dance number which he practices all day on the beach,oops! in the sea...
Isha's over action,Tanushree's attempts to look like an airhead...
Tushshaar's am-a-chimpoo and Emraan's am-a-smartass acts...
HF's Verdict:
Watch it if you appreciate raw talent(real raw!)
Watch it if you have the patience to stand Himesh Reshmaiyya's songs 
Watch it if you have a health insurance with critical illness cover..
or U wanna relax in AC as you don't have one at home ...